Sunday, September 28, 2014

In a world...

It was a beautiful Fall day today, so I decided to take the kids up to the park to let them run around a bit. I also thought it would be cool to shoot some video of them playing and try out the iMovie app that came on my new iPhone 6. I noticed that they have some nice looking templates for movie trailers and thought the kids and I could make something fun with that.

The following trailer was shot and edited entirely on my phone. Coming soon to a theater near you...

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Washington DC Trip, 2014 - Day 3

Day 3 of our Washington DC trip started off with all four of us sleeping in until sometime around 8. A well deserved treat after the non-stop action of the previous two days, if you ask me. After everyone was up, dressed, packed, and ready to go, we headed downstairs to grab some breakfast at the hotel restaurant. Luckily, the breakfast was much, much better than the dinner we had eaten there earlier. The kids had pancakes, while Mariah and I took advantage of the breakfast buffet.

While we were eating, a gentleman sitting at the table next to ours leaned over and said, "Hey, I see you have children, are you aware of the Science & Engineering Festival going on today?" We responded that we had not heard of such a thing, and he proceeded to inform us that the festival is held every 2 years, and that this was the last day for this year. He said that there were lots of interactive exhibits and activities that would be fun for the children, and we thanked him for the information and said we would certainly keep it in mind if time allowed.

After breakfast, we left the hotel and walked back to the Metro station to head into town for the last time. Our first stop was the National Mall, where we were planning to hike over to see the Washington Monument, but were temporarily sidetracked when we saw several stands of teepees set up in the grass. We walked over to check them out along with a few wagons they had parked nearby.

Ben and Emma were excited to see how tall they were, and enjoyed walking around inside of one and trying to guess how they built them. I assumed that this was some sort of educational endeavor, but I found out later that it was part of a protest against a pipeline.

As we were leaving, Emma discovered a ventilation grate in the ground which was blowing out air at high speeds. She had a blast jumping back and forth through the gusting air, and sticking her face down in it to have her hair blown all about.

We continued our walk and eventually made our way to the Washington Monument, which was, unfortunately, still closed off due to the damage caused by the earthquake in 2011. We got as close as we could, and Ben and Emma were very impressed by the size of the obelisk.

We had been planning to go see the Lincoln Memorial next, but it was already starting to get close to lunchtime and I had an appointment at noon that I had to keep (more on that in a bit), so we decided to head north and see the White House instead.

It was a beautiful day and the crowds were out in full force. There had been a half-marathon in the city that morning, so everyone who had come for that was still walking around, taking in the sights. The walk to the White House was a long one, and the previous days activities had taken their toll on little legs. The children were getting very tired already and it was clear that seeing historical architecture was not as compelling to them as the sights and sounds from the zoo and museums.

Are we having fun yet?
They soldiered on though, and we were able to make it through the crowds to see the White House.

Next, we headed up New York Ave to 12th St NW where the Tesla Motors showroom is located. This was my little treat to myself, as I had scheduled a test drive of the Tesla Model S, an all-electric sedan that I've been pining for. Sadly, the children were not allowed to ride along in the car, as we could not bring any car seats with us, but Mariah, Ben, and Emma were all magnanimous enough to wait in the showroom while I took a 30 minute test drive around town.

Mariah, checking out the Tesla Model S
Fits like a glove, I'll take it! (I wish)
The kids got a big kick out of the front trunk, or "frunk."
Oh man, this car is amazing! I drove a blue P85 model, which is the performance version, capable of 0-60 in just over 4 seconds. I wasn't able to put that number to the test in D.C. traffic, but I had a few clear spots where I was able to put my foot down, at least a little bit. It is quite a different experience from driving a regular car. First, it is completely silent; no engine means no engine noise. When you take your foot off the accelerator the car immediately starts slowing down due to regenerative braking, which converts the car's momentum back into electricity. Other hybrid and electric cars do this too, but it's the first time I've experienced it myself. It slows the car down enough that in most situations you only have to lightly touch the brake pedal right at the end to bring the car to a full stop. Unlike most electric cars that can only go a few dozen miles per charge, this one can go 265 miles on a full battery!

Everything in the car is controlled through a giant touch screen display in the center of the dashboard that can quickly switch between GPS, climate controls, stereo, rear view camera, adjusting the ride height of the air suspension, and on and on. The Tesla rep who rode with me was friendly and knowledgeable, and did an excellent job of steering me though all the traffic and crazy Washington streets.

The test drive was over all too quickly, but I returned back to the store hoping that the kids weren't dying of boredom due to my selfish side-trip. Mariah kept them busy and entertained though, and assured me that all was well, so we packed up and headed out to lunch. Now, as if my family had not indulged me enough, we walked a couple of blocks over and had lunch at one of my favorite burger places, Fuddruckers. The one in Richmond that I used to frequent closed years ago, so the only time I get to eat there anymore is on trips, and I jump at any chance I get.

The place was crowded, but the burgers were delicious and we ate our fill (and then some, in my case). From there we decided to take a short stroll north to the Walter E. Washington Convention Center to see the Science & Engineering Festival we heard about that morning.

The convention hall was gigantic and packed full of thousands of people wandering around. It took us a few minutes to get our bearings, but we eventually made our way over to a section of the hall with activities and booths geared towards children. Like any convention, there were tons of little freebies going around, so the kids got some yo-yos, sunglasses, coloring books, etc. They got a chance to try making some spin-art using a marker and a little spinning table made from Lego bricks, and looked at different insects through magnifying glasses.

Down one aisle, we saw a full sized school bus made up to look like the Magic School Bus (a favorite book series of Ben and Emma's), but the line to walk through it was very long, so we kept on moving. Eventually, we settled down in a spot where they had some wooden blocks to build towers out of and test the little builders' engineering prowess. Ben and Emma had a good time building their towers, and I was impressed with how careful and precise they were.

Around 3 pm, we decided that we'd better get going so that we would have plenty of time to get to the train station in Alexandria. It took us a while to figure out the best way to get out of the labyrinthine convention center, but we soon spotted the right signs to direct us to the nearest Metro station.

As we entered the station, my heart sank as we were confronted with a huge line of hundreds of people waiting to get through the gates and down to the platforms. At the rate the line was moving, it seemed like we might be standing there forever. To make matters worse, I knew that of the three farecards we had been using, one of them needed more money added to it to make the trip back to the King St Metro station. I told Mariah to stay in the line for the gates with the kids, and I would stand in another long line to add money to the farecard.

From here on, things just kept getting worse and worse. The line for the farecards was moving abysmally slow. Glacially slow, even. By the time Mariah and the kids were almost to the gates, I still hadn't made it even halfway to the machine. Not wanting to get separated, I decided to bail from that line and join Mariah. I reasoned that I should still be able to add money to the farecard at our destination before leaving the station.

As we approached the gates though, we heard a Metro employee telling people that these gates would NOT let you through to the platform unless you had at least $2.70 cents on the card. I looked at our three cards and saw two with over $6 and one with only $2.50! Now I had no choice but to go back and wait in the line I had just left and lost my place in! I gave Mariah and Ben their cards (Emma was able to ride free since she's 4 years old), and told Mariah to just take the kids on the next train rather than have to wait another 15 minutes for one, and that I would meet her at the King St station.

I took my place back in line and waited and waited, but it just wasn't moving. Unsurprisingly, none of the people from the convention seemed to be from the area, and they all had to take their time reading all of the instructions, figuring out what the rate was for their stop, and so on. I decided it was time for drastic action and, checking my phone, saw that it was about six blocks to the next Metro station in Chinatown. I calculated that I could run to the next station, where there would most likely not be any lines, faster than it would take to stand in line at this one.

I bolted up the stairs and out into the fresh air. I got on my phone to call Mariah and tell her of my plan as I began to jog down the street, but when she picked up she started yelling at me immediately, "Where ARE you!?!" I tried to explain what I was doing, but was quickly drowned out, "Ben wasn't able to get through the gate and he is looking for you! Where are you?!"

I heard the distress in her voice and immediately pictured Ben lost and alone in the Metro station, with Mariah stuck on the other side of the gate and unable to get to him. I don't think I've ever moved as fast as I did then; sprinting back to the station and flying down the stairs. I made my way to the gate where Ben was standing near Mariah, safe and sound, and heaved a great sign of relief. She explained that the machine would not take his ticket, even though it clearly said that there was over six dollars on it.

I knew that Ben wasn't going to be able to run six blocks, so this meant that it was back in line at the farecard machine for the THIRD time. At this point around 45 minutes had elapsed and we still had a 20-30 minute Metro ride ahead of us. I was beginning to fear that we were going to miss our train home, which would mean a 2 hour wait for the next one and arriving home after 8 pm with school the next day. Not an ideal scenario.

Our line for the farecard machine inched forward, one confused patron at a time. Ben was a champ and waited very patiently with me. Finally, when there were only two people in front of us and the end was in sight, the guy at the front appeared to break the machine somehow. He was trying to use multiple credit cards or something and got the machine stuck in a loop and couldn't get it to cancel out of the transaction for his smartpass. He eventually just shrugged his shoulders and walked away, leaving the next guy in line to press the "Cancel" button over and over in the hopes that it would suddenly start working.

It was at this exact moment in time that I began to consider the possibility that we might need to take up permanent residence in this Metro station, but as luck would have it, the gentleman at the head of the line was able to crack the code on the enigma machine in front of us and somehow got things working again. After what felt like an eternity, Ben and I were finally able to add cash to our cards. It turned out that Ben's card didn't have $6 on it after all, it had $2.50 just like mine! Apparently the last gate he went through was out of ink, so while the money was taken off of the card, the new value was printed too light to be seen. Fun!

Anyway, we finally had our recharged cards and I was grateful that the enormous line to the gates had shrunk to almost nothing, so we were able to join Mariah and Emma after a few short minutes. The next train arrived and we boarded, headed to the Amtrak station at long last, but would we make it in time?

Our Metro train barreled from station to station, with me watching the time obsessively and marking our progress on my phone's GPS the whole way. At first I thought that we would miss the Amtrak train for sure, but after a few more quick stops I began to hope that we might have a chance. One thing was for sure though, it was going to be very close either way.

The minutes rolled by and then we were at our stop. We had already told the kids how close this was going to be, and made sure that they were ready to run. As soon as the doors opened we sprinted through, kids in front of us, directing them through the crowd on the platform. We made it down from the platform and out through the gates without any problems, and then, as we ran under the tracks and over to the Amtrak platform nearby, I heard a train horn blowing and knew it must be our train coming, maybe we hadn't missed it after all!

We bolted up the stairs and walked out onto the platform and right into the line to board just as the train was pulling up, at 4:18. We boarded and the train was pulling away from the station before we even found seats. If we had been 30 seconds later, we would have missed it. Friends, it doesn't get much closer than that.

We found some quiet seats and collapsed, grateful to have two hours to relax and enjoy the ride home. I thought the children might be tired and sleep on the way back, but they talked and played and watched out the windows the whole way home without any problems. The journey went by quickly for me, and before I knew it we were back in Richmond.

Mom was there to meet us at the station and the kids were tripping over themselves trying to tell her stories of all the adventures they had and hopefully some of the memories they made.

Until the next adventure...

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Washington DC Trip, 2014 - Day 2

Buckle up, this is gonna be a long one.

Day 2 of our trip started early, as Mariah was up at 6 am, and the kids and I got going a little while after that. Despite this early start, we didn't actually arrive at the Smithsonian National Zoo until 9 am, due to a long wait for a morning Metro train to arrive, a long ride on the train, and then almost a mile walk from the Metro station to the zoo. But arrive we did, and my fears that the crowds would already be huge on such a beautiful, sunny day were, gladly, unfounded.

We decided to try to see the Pandas first, as we'd read that the lines to see them get big early. Sure enough, almost everyone who was in the park was over in the Panda section, and for good reason as the baby panda was out in full view and putting on a show playing in a tree near the fence. Both kids were able to get a good view, despite the crowd. Emma was especially excited to see the pandas, because, as she was quick to remind us, she is in the "Panda" class at daycare.

Next, we saw the cheetahs (or at least their heads, just barely poking up on the other side of a hill) and the zebras (one of Emma's favorites), and then got a good look at the elephants. The kids thought it was fascinating to watch the elephant pull up grass with its trunk and then eat it, and they got an equally big kick out an exhibit that showed the volume of food an elephant can consume in a day, along with how much it poops back out (hint: it's a lot)!

By now it was a bit past 11, so we decided to have an early lunch and grabbed some hot dogs and chips from a nearby stand. It was a welcome break after a being on our feet and moving all morning.

We then took a trip through the small mammal house, which had a ton of fun little fuzzy critters, and then off to see the great apes. The gorillas seemed determined not to cooperate with us at first, as every time we moved into a good position to see them, they would move on the other side of a bush or rock, and the kids were quickly losing interest. Eventually we found a good spot though and we got to see three gorillas, including a young one and a large male silverback.

A Golden Lion Tamarin
Bonnie, the orangutan, doing some people watching.
This young gorilla was getting a snack by
banging on this yellow wheel... thingie.
Like a lot of other animals we saw at the zoo, this
silverback gorilla was determined to only show us his butt.

After the gorillas and orangutans, it was a short walk over to the reptile house. Ben and Emma ran back and forth through the halls calling out for everyone to come and see each new creature they discovered. We saw some amazing snakes, lizards, frogs, turtles, and even a few alligators. Ben's favorite was a huge green anaconda. It was hard to tell how long it was since it was all curled up, but its body was easily as thick as my leg. Emma also turned out to be a bit of a snake charmer, as she had great fun in touching the glass of one of the snake habitats and then watching as they followed her finger back and forth.

Finally, we headed over to see the big cats. Unlike the cheetahs, the lions and tigers were out in the open and easy to see. Ben and Emma were excited to see them so close, and had a great time watching the lions pace around and one of the tiger cubs playing with a pillow.

By now, the kids were getting really tired. Even though there were a few animals we hadn't seen, we knew that we had reached our limit for the day, and Mariah and I were still hoping to see a little of the Air & Space Museum that afternoon.

Emma was begging to ride the carousel she had seen near the big cat area. We offered to get her a stuffed panda from the gift shop instead, something that she had been wanting very badly earlier and that we thought would be a more "lasting" reminder of the trip for her, but she would not be dissuaded. "I have enough stuffed animals, I think. I want to ride the merry-go-round!" she would say. Ben, on the other hand, had no interest in riding the carousel, and was more than happy to pick out a toy snake from the gift shop while Emma and Mariah waited in the line for the ride.

In the end, I'm glad Emma stuck to her guns, because the smile on her face when she climbed onto the hummingbird she wanted to ride, said that this experience will mean far more to her than any stuffed panda would.

Now we had a dilemma. We were near the east side of the park, and if we took the exit closest to us, the way we had come in that morning, it was a mile long walk back to the yellow line and up a very steep hill on Harvard St the whole way. If we wanted to catch the closer Red line at the Woodley Park - Zoo station, we had to walk back through the entire zoo, uphill the whole way! Ugh.

We decided to go with the closer Red line train, even though that meant transferring to another train down the line. Once we dragged the kids back through the zoo, with a few rest stops along the way, it ended up being a nice stroll down Connecticut Ave. The Mariott near that Metro station had some amazing flowers blooming, that we stopped to look at.

We then boarded our train, and man it was PACKED! We couldn't even move 3 feet past where the doors on the train were, so it was more standing until we reached our stop (except for the kids, who were too tired to stand, so they sat on our feet instead).

We got off a few stops later at the Metro Center station and transferred over to the Orange line, which we rode to L'Enfant Plaza. From there it was a short walk to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. Before we went inside though, Mariah decided that we needed to recharge a little bit, so we picked up some ice cream from one of the vendors on the street. We found a shady spot outside of the museum entrance and savored the rest and the cool treat.

After finishing our snack, we headed inside and got treated to a big "Woooah" from the kids upon seeing all of the massive rockets and planes that fill the huge building. We knew that there was no way we would have time to see even half of the things there are to see there, but we meandered around to try to give the children a good overview of the place without torturing them too much.


Tired as they were, they had a blast looking at all of the rockets, planes, satellites, the lunar lander, and on and on.

Finally, at about 5:30 we decided to call it a day and head back to the hotel. We stopped for dinner at a Ruby Tuesday's near our hotel and then, at long last, we were able to get back to our room and collapse on the beds.

The kids stayed up for another hour or so watching the movie "Epic" on TV, and then it was lights out for them and us around 9 pm. Two days down, only one left to go.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Washington DC Trip, 2014 - Day 1

Mariah and I decided that it was high time that we took the kids to see some of the sights in our nation's capitol. We knew that a single day wouldn't be enough time to see all the things we wanted to see, so we planned out a 3 day weekend trip.

We left at 7:25 in the morning on Friday, April 25th, and made it to the Staples Mill Amtrak station just in time to board our 8 o'clock train. The train started a little late, but we were soon on our way, and the kids were super excited. They were very impressed by the train and had their faces pressed up against the window watching the scenery roll by. After a while, both of them decided to listen to their music players for a bit, but continued watching out the windows and had a lot of fun pointing out interesting bits of scenery or when another train would speed past.

Of all the things on and about the train that impressed Emma, the highlight of the trip for her had to be the bathroom. When it was time to go, I took her, and she could not stop talking about how cool the bathroom was. "Wow, Daddy! This is SOOO cool! Look at this little sink! Look at this potty!" Too funny.

We arrived in Alexandria around 10:30 am and walked over to the Kings Cross Metro station to head one stop South to our hotel. It was a short walk from there to our Holiday Inn, which was simple, but nice. After checking in and dropping off our stuff, we headed back to the Metro and took the Yellow line up to the Archive station. The kids were enthralled and were practically bouncing out of their seats as they counted each station we stopped at. Ben was enamored with the bright blue lights on the side of the tracks and would call them out each time we passed one.

After reaching our destination it was a few short blocks to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. We decided to start on the ground floor and let the kids into the rotunda, where they were suitably impressed by the massive African elephant that dominates the room.

We decided to head to the hall of mammals first, and we were all blown away by the impressive collection of animals on display. Ben and Emma were like pinballs, bouncing back and forth from display to display, calling out all of the animals that they recognized and gawking at some of the more interesting specimens that they had never heard of before.

Ben is taking a picture here, not playing a game!

Next it was on to the Fossils section, where the full size T-Rex skeleton made the kids' jaws drop, literally!

The kids' reaction when they saw...
They both loved examining all of the dinosaur bones, but the place was predictably super crowded, so we made our way quickly through to some of the less famous fossils. The kids were just as impressed by the wooly mammoth and giant ground sloth though, and so was I.

Look at the size of this sloth!
It's almost as big as the mammoth!

Emma said this huge dinosaur femur would make a good pillow.

By the time we finished off the fossils, it was well past 1 o'clock. We briefly perused the exhibit on ocean animals, where the giant squid was a hit, and then headed back downstairs for a very expensive lunch in the museum cafe. It was a welcome break as we were all starting to get tired and needed a few minutes to recharge.

After lunch we got back to it and headed upstairs to check out the gems and minerals. The kids were bored at first, as the section we first entered just seemed to have some fairly plain looking rocks, but once I explained that these were meteors from outer space they lit right up and their imaginations were going again.

We browsed through the wing fairly quickly and Ben and Emma both enjoyed seeing all of the crazy types or crystals and rock formations they had.

I am always blown away myself by the staggering variety of colors, shapes, and textures that are possible with these different minerals. It was hard not to take a picture of everything I came across as each seemed more beautiful than the last.

We finally made our way to the true gemstones, and the Hope Diamond, which the kids had been asking about every since we first mentioned it to them weeks ago.

By this time both of the children were running on fumes, especially Emma, but we soldiered on and looked at the skeletons, mummies and insects. Ben and Emma both held a big green caterpillar in the insect section and were delighted at how it tickled their hands.

We finished our visit at the gift shop, and left at around 4:30 pm. A big storm was on it's way and we hurried to the Metro, hoping to beat it back to hotel. The Metro was, unsurprisingly, very crowded with rush hour traffic, but we managed to find some seats for the kids and Mariah and I stood.

It was raining by the time we reached our station, but we had packed our umbrellas and managed not to get too wet as we walked back to the hotel. The kids watched TV for an hour while Mariah and I rested a little. It was time to eat, but still raining, so we had dinner in the hotel restaurant, which unfortunately wasn't very good.

Then it was back up to the room and time to get ready for bed, where we discovered that I had forgotten to back Ben's pajamas! Whoops! Mariah let him wear one of her night shirts, which he had fun dancing around in. We read some quick bedtime stories and then it was lights out.

It's now 10 pm and everyone is asleep but me, typing out my notes of the day's events on the iPad. More adventures to come tomorrow...